Monday, 2 February 2009

Snow in the West but The East was Best

Doesn't the world look different with a nice snowy white blanket? All the mess is covered up and it looks so clean and tidy. Well it was nice while it lasted because by 4pm it had mostly I write though it is snowing lightly again.
I quickly grabbed my camera and whizzed out to the back garden to catch these scenes above, just in case it vanished quickly and you never know here when you may next see it. I love to see the little bird footprints in their track around the garden.
I left out extra big portions of bird food today.

I was nearly tempted to make a Snowman, haven't done that for a few years.
I didn't get chance to do the blog over the weekend but we visited Pendle Heritage Centre at Barrowford. It is a lovely little place dating from the 16TH Century and is now an arts centre ,tearoom and museum with a walled herb garden.

From my diary;5Th Feb 1996 On Monday noticed 2 birds on tree nr pond..berries...Kestrels they were making loud croaky call.Also saw Red wing thrushes and field fares . berries on tree nearly all gone.

Leave a comment if you have seen snow if you can.