I am getting a new greenhouse, a much bigger one than the one I presently have as it's fair to say I outgrew this one long ago.
Much propagating over the years has resulted in a large number of extra plants and there is no room left for them. It seems a shame as this one is still really in fairly good shape despite being 20 years old, but I hope I can find it a good home.
So this weekend we have to prepare ... dismantle this one now that I have emptied it{the summer house is crammed full as a temporary home} and then we have to lay a bigger base. IT'S GOING TO BE A BUSY WEEKEND! I suppose I will have to supply lots of coffee and bacon sandwiches, that usually helps things along a bit! I can hardly wait to have it all done and the new one erected so that I can begin preparing for spring.
The cats will be a bit put out for a while and will have to sleep in the lean to along side the shed until it is all done.. they will not be happy!
Looking around the garden today and I found a few more signs that spring is well on it's way, A couple of daffodils in flower and the snowdrops are out. I also came across a lovely cluster of miniature iris.
I have to say though when I went out on my bike this afternoon it did not feel very Springlike.... chilly!
Much propagating over the years has resulted in a large number of extra plants and there is no room left for them. It seems a shame as this one is still really in fairly good shape despite being 20 years old, but I hope I can find it a good home.
So this weekend we have to prepare ... dismantle this one now that I have emptied it{the summer house is crammed full as a temporary home} and then we have to lay a bigger base. IT'S GOING TO BE A BUSY WEEKEND! I suppose I will have to supply lots of coffee and bacon sandwiches, that usually helps things along a bit! I can hardly wait to have it all done and the new one erected so that I can begin preparing for spring.
The cats will be a bit put out for a while and will have to sleep in the lean to along side the shed until it is all done.. they will not be happy!
Looking around the garden today and I found a few more signs that spring is well on it's way, A couple of daffodils in flower and the snowdrops are out. I also came across a lovely cluster of miniature iris.
I have to say though when I went out on my bike this afternoon it did not feel very Springlike.... chilly!
I took so many photos when we were in Keswick that I am putting more up tonight. The stone circle just on the outskirts of Keswick was built in the Bronze age most probably as a meeting place for the tribes to exchange and trade everyday items and meet, rather than a worshipping place. I would really like to go back on a beautiful summer's evening though and see it as the sun dips low over the hills.