Saturday, 24 January 2009

Planting for wildlife

I walked around a Garden Centre today and was thinking about flowers that will actively bring in more insects and butterflies to my own garden this summer. At the moment the biggest draw in the garden for the butterflies has to be the Buddleja, which by late summer usually has many Red admirals and Peacock butterflies feeding on it.As much as I love this plant I think mine is a B.davidii and it just gets too large and woody . I am on the lookout for one of the cultivars of this, which tend not to grow as vigorously. The photo seen here was taken in 2007, as was the Sunflower. The bees never left that sunflower alone all the time it was in flower and when it had finished I dried off the seed and kept some and fed the birds the rest.
I find Fungi really interesting and they make great photo shots . The one here was taken in Kirkudbright in Scotland. We just spotted it on a little patch of grass in the town. I will have to try and identify it from a book, unless anyone can tell me what it is?

I spotted the Gold crest today on next doors old Christmas tree, that they planted in their garden. I was glad to see he still visits as when my tree came down I thought he had gone to pastures new.
On the way home today we stopped at Southport marshes and looked through the scope. Still loads of geese and ducks , lapwings and snipe feeding there and it was a beautiful day to see them as the skies were blue and it was sunny.