Wednesday, 7 January 2009

January in the Garden

Dismal,Dismal Day! Horrible ,no snow here unlike Manchester and down South just a dull ,heavy greyness. Well I know that snow can cause lots of hassle but you know ,its Winter and even if it only lasted one day I would just like to wake up one morning and see a Winter wonderland!

So anyway I took the camera and ventured out down the garden in my wellies and as you can see from the photos its not looking too pretty right now but hey .. there was one little Primula that the sparrows hadn't managed to rip to pieces and at the back of the border there were the tiny shoots of the Snowdrops. A few of the pots where I have planted daffodils were also showing an inch of shoot so , its beginning!

At least the birds seemed happier and more lively today, many out at the birdbath and on the lawn now that the frost has melted.

I really will have to stop buying Gardening books as when I gathered them all up today to photograph I realised just how many I have....... and this is not all of them I must confess!

Found a little garden diary that I have had since the 1990s and in which over those years I have noted down various things that have happened in the garden or birds that have appeared especially those that are very occasional visitors, so tomorrow I might jot down a few on here.